![]() An independent website where inquirers can find links with other sources of information and some information not easily available elsewhere. |
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This website is no longer being updated. For six years until May 2012 we have provided what we hope has been appreciated as an insight into the history, development and application of registration, and the way in which the intentions of parliament in the form of the Architects Act 1997 have been applied and occasionally exceeded. The editors have described the reasons for some of the perennial tensions that have troubled the profession since the 1930s and have suggested remedies within the statutory framework. Much of the information on this website will remain relevant until such time as Part IV of the Architects Act is repealed. A necessary revision of the Act now aligns it more properly with European law, but the opportunity given by this also to review the usefulness of Part IV – the source of much of the tension and criticism of architecture as an over-protected and over-regulated profession – appears to have been overlooked. Although this opportunity may for the time being be lost, a note, written by a contributor who is not an architect but who has enjoyed a long association with the profession, draws from the earlier reports of Michael Highton and Sir Christopher Ball, touches on the issues of architectural education and title abuse, suggests a repeal of Part IV, and finds that there are other provisions which better provide the protection which the public deserves. The link to the note is here. On page 3 of the note, there is now a postscript about the Public Bodies (Reform) Bill, and disapplying the Act. Progress Reports (16 September 2011): Case Study 3 (Part II of the Act, Registration etc.): after hearing from the European Commission Directorate on 15 February 2011 that "We expect that the public consultation on the amendment of the Architects Act 1997 in order to ensure its compliance with Directive 2005/36/EC will be launched by next week in order to ensure the adoption of the necessary legislation this spring", new Regulations (S.I. 2011 No. 2008 ) bringing the United Kingdom into conformity with the Directive were brought into force on 12 September 2011. continued... / (Notes and notices) |
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The information in this 70 page booklet is considered to be indispensable for responsible policy-makers and for inquirers wishing to participate in the current debate about the future of the ARB. Osbert Lancaster, 1948 "Pillar to Post: English Architecture without Tears." "The most polite and unsplenetic of cartoonists, he was never a crusader, remaining always a witty, civilized critic with a profound understanding of the vagaries of human nature." In the cause of architectural education and the public understanding of practice an AARUK contributor commends Osbert Lancaster's works, and RIBA pages on "How We Built Britain".
Architects Act | |||||
Architects Registration Board | |||||
Registration | |||||
- education | |||||
- competence to practise | |||||
Professional standards - the code, etc | |||||
- PII | |||||
- discipline | |||||
Use of title | |||||
Links to websites: | |||||
- chartered bodies | |||||
- legislation | |||||
- historical notes | |||||
Latest | |||||
Progress at
Weymouth Sands? -
ARB comically misconducts itself (16 May 2012) |
The EC is
asked to comment -
Case Study 3, Part 7 (16 September 2011) |
Progress reports -
This page updated (16 September 2011) |
An unequal standard - Counsel's opinion
Case Study 4, Part 2 (4 April 2011) |
Progress reports
This page updated (16 February 2011) |
Guidance on PII
Case Study 2 Part 13 (13 December 2010) |
The June 2008
revision - a credibilty gap emerges -
Case Study 3 Part 6 (25 November 2010) |
A challenge to
the unequal standard - Case Study 4 (23 November 2010) |
Aesthetic monitor? (25 October 2010) |
Reform and common
sense Reasons for repealing Part IV (19 October 2010) |
A word among the ACA (1 October 2010) |
A proposal for a Public
Register of Civil Architecture (28 September 2010) |
About this website
- notes on usage added (11 August 2010) |
The way
forward - a
postcript on the Public Bodies (Reform) Bill is added (2 August 2010) |
The Register ― decisive legislative issues (12 July 2010) |
The way
forward (8 July 2010) |
Straitened times
(25 June 2010) |
misclaims "new evidence" (Case Study 2, Part 12) (25 June 2010) |
Intentions of the new
Government (2 June 2010) |
The Board
responds to the change? (Case Study 2, Part 11) (14 May 2010) |
and the ARB: completing the jigsaw – comment (5 May 2010) |
An end to tick-box "monitoring"? (Case Study 2, Part 10) (4 May 2010) |
ARB and its duty of care: another judicial precedent (19 April 2010) |
The case against I— S— collapses. A report (Case Study
2, Part9) (14 April 2010) |
The Court favours the architect and the case is subsequently withdrawn (Case
Study 2, Parts 6 - 8) (8 April 2010) |
Implications of the New Code Standard 5 (1 February 2010) |
Sir Christopher Ball reports on registration and regulation (18 December 2009) |
The EU Commission write to the UK (Case Study 3, Part 5) (24 November 2009) |
Applying the Code : will
there be difficulties? (3 August 2009) |
State Registered Architect (27 July 2009) |
Board meeting, 22 July 2009, "Vigilance" (22 July 2009) |
The Code and "best" practice (16 July 2009) |
News: RIBA's new chief executive appointed (6 July 2009) |
Invoking the European Treaty? (Case Study 3, Part 4) (23 June 2009) |
Course validation or prescription of qualifications? (26 May 2009) |
Retention of name in the Register (16 May 2009) |
News: RIBA's new chief executive (6 May 2009) |
Code revision – plain English? (28 April 2009) |
The right to have a name removed is thwarted (27 April 2009) |
Enforceability of the Act in doubt
(Case Study 3, Pt 3) (22 April 2009) |
Conflicts of Interest : s.4(2A) of the Architects Act (10 February 2009) (Case Study 3, Part 2 updated 21 April 2009) |
Status of the Registrar ... as Returning Officer (6 February 2009) |
2009 election (6 February 2009) |
Variations to the Code (13 January 2009) |
Parliamentary written replies (4 November 2008) |
The June 2008 amendment of the Architects Act (Expanded to explain consequences, 4 November 2008) |
Compliance with EU requirements
(Case Study 3) (3 November 2008) |
Judicial review "plainly justified" (20 October 2008) |
Questionable PCC decisions (5 August 2008) |
The June 2008 amendment of the Architects Act (20 June 2008) |
2005/36/EC amendments –
some comments (27 September 2007 - updated 6 June 2008) |
Judicial nonsense (20 September 2007) |
"Complete defence" QC
advises (19 September 2007) |
Jactitation of power (22 August 2007) |
Architectural education in
the UK (2 June 2007) |
Wikipedia (31 May 2007) |
PCC case study 2 Part 2 (9 May 2007) |
Judicial interpretation of
Part III (2 April 2007) |
PCC case study 2 (28 March 2007) |
Point of view on statutory
registration (6 November 2006) |
The ARB's examinations ( 27 June 2006) |
Rule 20 change ( 29 May 2006) |
Another regime? | |||||
Issues, explanations and suggestions | |||||
The duty to consult | |||||
A new Registrar | |||||
Election Results ( 8 March 2006) |
The "Wider Remit" ( 24 February 2006 ) |
Questionable PCC decisions | |||||