About Architects Registration in the UK

An independent website where inquirers can find links with other sources of information and some information not easily available elsewhere.


Notes and notices

The handlist entitled "Architect as a working title for one of the sectoral professions of the European Union" (html version) (pdf version) outlines some salient points about the chronology of the legislation and the European Union dimension.  It is to aid inquirers and policy-makers in connection with some of the less frequently asked questions.

On official statements inconsistent with the legislation enacted by the UK Parliament, see explanatory notes ( pdf version ).

The sequence of the main page titles (left) follows the sequence of the Act.

This website © AARUK 2007-2012: free licence for copyright purposes, subject to acknowledgement, viz: First published on website of AARUK – About Architects Registration in the United Kingdom.

Link to an early RIBA paper entitled "Status of the Architects Registration Board" ("SARB") (May 2003); or here (version c.p7).

Link to the report of the late Mr Michael Highton, approved and adopted by the RIBA Council in 2004; or here (copy of circulated version).

Link to a report "On the Registration and Regulation of Architects - Rules and Responsibilities" by Sir Christopher Ball, 2009

Link to Wikipedia articles on Architects Registration in the UK.

Link to unofficial version of the Architects Act, as amended in June 2008 and September 2011.

See here for notes about this website.

[back to front page]

Index tree

Architects Act

- An analysis

- "Ambition, Rationalisation ... Solution?"

Architects Registration Board

- Elected members

- Composition of the Board

- 2 Questions

- The "wider Remit"


- The cost of Registration

- Education

-- An unequal standard across Europe

- Competence to practise

-- Positions of persons already on the Register

-- Proposed amendment to General Rule 20

Professional standards

- PII - Outside the statutory remit

- Discipline and questionable PCC decisions

- Case study

-- Explanatory introduction

-- AARUK's concerns

--- The accused's defences

--- Comment of an independent person

--- Decisions and sentences ( JL and RL )

--- Further comment

Use of title

Links to websites

- Chartered bodies

- Legislation













Architects Act
Architects Registration Board
- education
- competence to practise
Professional standards - the code, etc
- discipline
Use of title
Links to websites:
- chartered bodies
- legislation
- historical notes