
The cost of registration - A comparison is made between the increase in retention fees over 10 years and the cost of living, with references to Government policy.

The amendment to the Architects Act of June 2008 - giving an appraisal of the statutory regulations and describing the predicted early consequence: an increase in the human resources retained by the Board.

Parliamentary written replies - describing how the cost of retention has been disproportionate to the number of those on the register.

Conflicts of Interest : s.4(2A) of the Architects Act 1997 (as amended June 2008)

Case Study 3, Part 2 - in the public interest?

Case Study 3, Part 3 - the European Commission takes a view that "the UK authorities have transposed Directive 2005/36/EC in an incorrect manner".

Case Study 3, Part 4 - an unsatisfactory reply from the Department of Communities and Local Government is criticised by the inquiring architect.

Case Study 3, Part 5 - the Commission writes formally to the United Kingdom.

Case Study 3, Part 6 - a credibility gap emerges?

Case Study 3, Part 7 - New UK Regulations, but is the Directive itself lawful?


Parliamentary Written Replies

On 14 October 2008, Mr Iain Wright MP replying on behalf of the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government to written questions made by Mr Edward Vaizey MP to to the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, gave details of the increase in the cost to those on the register of the Architects Registration Board.  This information has shown that the increase in cost in the 10 years of the Board, in real terms, has been 90%.  Over the same period, information published by the Board shows the number of registered architects to have increased by a mere 5%. 

On 4 November 2008, in a written answer to Ms Julia Goldworthy MP the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, the Rt Hon Margaret Beckett MP, confirmed that the Architects Registration Board is funded by the registration fees paid annually by architects in the UK. 

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Architects Act
Architects Registration Board
- education
- competence to practise
Professional standards - the code, etc
Use of title
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